APRIL 2024

At last, a break in the winter rains, and how good it is to see the sun shining brightly. There has been an amazing show of daffodils, and the bluebells are showing strongly in the woodlands. These, together with wood anemones, wild snowdrops, and the yellow Lesser Celandine make a wonderful show, using the light from above before the tree canopy grows over and makes the woodland floor darker again.


We have held the AGM which included a raffle table
by the local Guides Rangers, an update on her Ashdown Forest Nightjars Project from Izzy Kennedy and another magnificent display of local old maps and photographs and postcards staged by Tony Turk. This gives us a lovely opportunity to get together afterwards and meet and exchange memories.


Down at Markstakes Common the volunteer group, meeting on Mondays, have continued the winter work of clearing brambles and birch seedlings from another glade. Whilst it has been very wet, this has softened the ground which makes digging easier to remove the roots, using special forked tools, which is an essential part in successful clearing.


Our meetings continue this month with firstly a new special Easter Trail meeting at 2.00.p.m. on Sunday 7th April at the Sports Club pavilion on Memorial Common. Members and families and children are invited to come along and try a circuit of the common following clues in words and pictures to discover and learn more about the commons.

Secondly, we have a spring bird walk with Adrian on Saturday April 13th starting at 8.00.a.m. at the Pound Common car park. We will be looking and listening for both the resident birds and the early migrants so bring binoculars.

Thirdly, I will be leading a spring walk on Pound Common on Saturday April 27th starting at 2.30.p.m. from the car park. A leisurely stroll of about a mile when we will be looking for the early flowers and plants growing again and anything else which might be of interest.

For further information, visit our website at www.chaileycommons.org.uk or our Facebook page www.facebook.com/chaileycommons or

William Coleman
01444 831098

William Coleman