Fletching C of E Primary School

Latest News from Jenni Orwin, Head of School

'A small school with big ideas growing in the love of God.
We are an inclusive family that promotes a love of learning in a safe, happy environment.’


The children have had so much fun recently with their themed days. World Book Day, saw lots of children dress up as a character from their favourite book. There were so many characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Gangsta Grannies, fairy princesses and superheroes. It was also lovely to see the staff embrace their love of reading too and dress up! We had a pirate, a Cruella Deville, the Hungry Caterpillar, a Where’s Wally and many more. The children were also excited to invite their parents into class to share their reading books and have some quality reading time.

On the subject of reading, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the Parish Council for sponsoring every child in the school. This was a fantastic scheme that provided each child with an opportunity to choose a book they would like to see in their reading areas within their classrooms. The PTA also made a donation for each class to revamp the book corners and foster that love of reading.

An Ancient Greek Day took place for KS2. Another great opportunity to dress up! Dragonfly and Grasshopper children were involved in many fun activities from food tasting, to participating in their very own Olympics.

The children participated in many Science investigations during Science Week. The theme this year was ‘Time’ as the British Science Week turned 30! In Caterpillar and Ladybird Class, the children made observations of some delicious fruit throughout the week. They observed how it changed and believe us, it wasn’t delicious by Friday. In Dragonfly Class, the children explored ice and then created an effective de-icer using salt. Lastly in Grasshopper Class, the children created their own water timers and explored sundials.

Another addition to observing patterns over time were our new classroom visitors. One of our amazing TAs found frogspawn in a puddle on their driveway so donated it to the children who found it fascinating watching them transform.

Dragonfly Class delivered an amazing class assembly to their parents. It was great to hear about all their learning experiences since Christmas linked to their project on the Greeks. One area of great interest was their exploration of hidden disabilities and researching different ways to promote it and educate others. This is their social action project and we can’t wait to see how they develop this further.

Grasshopper Class took part in Bikeability. It was really important that the children understood how to be safe on the roads. This was a big focus for them as their social action project is about promoting safer roads.

‘Spreading the word’ for our annual Garden Trail is well underway. Thank you so much to all our community members who have volunteered to open their gardens this year. We also want to thank the PTA and those who are helping to coordinate this event. It is very much appreciated. We are really looking forward to the day which takes place on Saturday 30 th June, 11am-5pm.

Jenni Orin, Head of School