If you are a regular reader of this magazine, I am sur that you are aware
of two controversial sites that I am particularly concerned about: the Ashdown Business Park expansion and Owlsbury.

It is imperative that a range of material planning reasons are given to object to these sites, so that when the Draft Local Plan faces examination by the planning inspectorate, there is sufficient evidence to ensure that these developments are not allocated. Useful guidance an be found at https://sabreowl.com.

There may be things that you agree with in the draft Local Plan, such as the sustainability (SS) policies, the climate change (CC) policies, the Housing (HO) and the National Environment (NE) policies.

If you have time, please do support these policies as they will gain weight in planning law after this consultation stage.

To respond, go to:

If you have any difficulties, do email Planningspolicy@wealden.gov.uk or telephone the Planning Policy team on 01892 602008. Whenever I call them, they answer straight away and are very helpful.

~ Community Orchards

Wealden has been awarded £27,756 from the Nature for Climate Fund to support the development of community Orchards in the district. This is part of the Coronation Living Heritage Fund which has generously allocated £2.5 million to local governments in celebration of the coronation of King Charles III.

Wealden is asking schools, residents’ associations, village hall trusts, parish councils, businesses, voluntary group, charities, not-for-profit organisations, and landowners with publicly accessible land to apply for between £1,000 and £3,500 to bring fruit and nut trees to life, creating vibrant community orchards that benefit everyone, applications need to be in by 10th May.

The urgency to plant and restore orchards cannot be overstated. Shockingly, 90% of traditional orchards have vanished since the 1950s due to neglect or development. There are so many benefits to be derived from planting an orchard including, educational, community building, encouraging biodiversity, absorbing carbon and providing food.

~ Community recycling

Just to clarify the situation on Community to recycling: The decision to close the community recycling centres was made in 2020. As Wealden’s Head of Waste stated in an email, in December 2023, ‘‘The decision was made on an operational basis by the then Head of Service in 2020, as permitted to do so under the scheme of delegation. The portfolio holders at the time, and subsequently, were aware of the closure of these sites.

Since early 2020, when we had just over 70 sites across the district, many have been removed over the last three years so there are just over 20 remaining.’’ Since then, all sites have been removed and Wealden has not received any complaints from residents.

As ever, if you have any comments, questions or require guidance, please do get in touch and I will do my best to help.

Thank you

Cllr. Christina Coleman
07718 208 340

~ Wealden Draft Local Plan

With the deadline to complete responses to the Draft Local Plan looming,
I have been spending the majority of my time trying to encourage people
to submit their feedback.  The deadline is 5pm on the 10th May.